Year after Year, Ring after Ring

For the first time we have succeeded in reproducing the heartwood, which represents the annual rings of a tree, on a wooden surface as naturally as possible.

Typical annual rings are created by the growth of a tree, which is complemented by a new ring every year. The light and dark layers result from the different seasonal and environmental conditions. In spring the wood grows faster, which results in a light layer. In summer and autumn the growth slows down, leaving behind a thinner and darker layer. Both layers result in an annual ring.

Furthermore, crosscut timber is not a special type of wood, but describes the way it is cut. The surface is cut at right angles to the grain of the wood, which contributes to its stability and compressive strength. The circular annual rings in the WOOD Line ensure a lively and natural floor grain.

In the DIY practical test (05/2019), the WOOD Line received the grade 1.4 (very good to good) due to its very good laying and surface properties.

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